Exploring the Detroit Skate Style: Origins and Techniques
Detroit skating is still undeniably one of the most unique styles. Join me as I talk about what makes Detroit rollerskating special.
Why Is The DMV Called Snapcity? | What Is Snapping?
Have you ever seen skaters gliding across the floor with their arms hooked while a skater twist, pivots, and turns in the front? That’s a routine known as ‘Snapping’. TLDR: Well a snap is a style and a technique and today I want to go over the basic snap. Basically, it’s a one foot 180 pivot.
Rolling Through History: The Origin of Atlanta Skate Style
I grew up roller skating in Atlanta and the first style I learned was the Atlanta style; however, I never got the whole story behind the style until now, and now I want to share it with the world
The Roller Skating Paradise You Never Knew About: Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis, Tennessee is famous for it’s dancing, BBQ, and as we are going to learn today, their skate community too.
What Is The Difference Between Jam Skating and Rhythm Skating?
You’ve heard about rhythm and jam skating, but what do they even mean. Today, I want to define rhythm and jam skating and discuss 4 differences between the two. When I first started skating, I did not know the difference either.
What Is Fastbackwards Skating: Speed and Thrills Wheels
Fast Backwards is a roller skating routine credited and popularized in rinks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which henceforth shall the city be addressed as Philly.
What Is JB Skating?
The next stop on our roller skating history train is Chicago, the home of JB. JB stands for James Brown. Chicago skaters adopted this name, because they skate to homegrown tracks remixed with James Brown samples. Join me today as we get a bird’s eye view of JB skating.